ihmin 2024. 9. 5. 09:31

홈페이지 : http://waster.8m.com/iniparse/index.html


INI 파일을 파싱 및 생성하는 확장 패키지입니다.


This is the *.ini file parser/creator in Tcl.


  • V1.4 requires to call iniparse:open and ini file before reading/writing, and requires to call iniparse:close to close the file, or iniparse:flush to flush memory to file. This version doesn't make modifications directly on file, but on memory, so it doesn't rewrite the *whole* file 10 times, if you write 10 items. This version is NOT backwards compatible!
  • Contains an installer under *nix systems. (Thanks to Djsmoke and Infernix)
  • Now, you can get the items under a key, by not giving the item parameter to readini procedure. (Thanks to T.Wood)
  • Now uses Windows-Style ini files. (Thanks to Djsmoke for editing) (in version 1.3)
  • Added renameini function. (in version 1.2)
  • Added removeini function to iniparse. (Thanks to Djsmoke)
