Tcl Send for Windows 1.5
홈페이지 :
이 확장패키지로 Windows 95/98/NT/2000 컴퓨터에서 키보드 입력과 마우스 움직임을 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다.
With this DLL you can simulate keyboard input and Mouse mouvement on your Windows 95/98/NT/2000 machine.
It's design to :
- test application,
- simulate user inputs on remote machines,
- automize some tasks within your preferred applications.
- You can build, what I call a GuiAPI.
This is a Windows DLL for Tcl/Tk users. Tcl/Tk is a script language that can run on Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, but also on nearly all Unix machine. If you haven't heard about that fabulous tool before, I strongly suggest to visit Scriptics.
With my module, you add to your standard Windows Tcl/Tk functionnalities interesting capabilities :
- send characters to the foreground window as a user can do.
- send control key (ctrl-o, ctrl-c, ctrl-v, ....)
- set/get the "clipboard".
- check the title of the foreground window.
- copy information from one window to an another via the cut and paste.
- check the list of open windows.
- Maximize, minimize or restore the foreground window.
- Moving the mouse where the origine is the upper-left corner of the desktop.
- Moving themouse where the origine is the upper-left corner of the foreground window.
- Right clicking, or Left clicking or Middle clicking.
- Move windows.
These functionnalities added to those provided by Tcl/Tk, you have a tool to add intelligence (test, loop, ...) into your automatisation.
I've develop the kernel of this module in 2000 (version 1.0), and it run on my PC every week to generate some reports. Some bug fixes was added, but since verson 1.5 (current version), I've no more seen any problems.
I've added some new functionnalities since the version 1.0. You can view those modifications here.
Nevertheless, any comments or remarks are welcome. Send me a mail at