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Lynx for Win32
2024. 3. 8. 15:57
Lynx는 리눅스용 텍스트 기반 웹부라우저..
사실 Lynx는 html을 txt로 덤핑을 떠주는 기능이 있는데 이게 참 유용함.
예를 들어.. 아래의 html 이 있을때..
이걸 아래와 같이 텍스트로 변경하면..
lynx.exe -dump test.html > test.txt
요렇게 나옴.
Building Tcl 8.6 single file applications - a step-by-step guide
Published 2020-12-28
There is plenty of reference material on the Internet about building
single file applications with Tcl but as is often is the case, some
bit rot has set in that makes it confusing for new users. Taking a
break from our series on Tcl 8.7, this short post aims to remedy that
by providing a step-by-step guide for the process.
Note however that there are a lot of base technologies (tclkits,
[1]freewrap etc.), each of which additionally have multiple levels of
functionality with a variety of configuration options. This post
provides a recipe for building a single file application for just one
specific combination based on the tclkit core. It does not go into any
level of detail; for that, see one of the references listed at the
The sample application we will create, demo.exe, prints all numbers
supplied as arguments on the command line using a package we call
Step 1: download prerequisites