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홈페이지 : http://archive.eso.org/~abrighto/tree/tree.html


계층 구조로 표현 가능한 Tcl/Tk용 트리위젯 입니다.

Tree-8.0.3 - A Tree Widget for Tk8.0.3 based on C++ (optionally [incr Tk-3.0])


This Directory contains the sources for a Tk-8.0.3 based widget for displaying dynamic trees.

I've also added an [incr Tk] "Tree" class, based on the C++ "tree" widget.  It makes working with trees a little easier by adding an extra layer over the basic tree widget. See the man page Tree(n) for a description of the [incr Tk] "Tree" widget.

Features of the Tree Widget

With the tree widget, you can display a tree in a Tk canvas. The nodes can be made up of any number of canvas items or even other Tk widgets. You create the objects that make up a node and the line that connects it to its parent and pass them to the tree widget. After this the tree widget manages the positions of the nodes and end points of the tree lines.  Operations are available for inserting, moving and removing nodes and subtrees and for querrying the position of a node in the tree. The tree can be displayed horizontally or vertically.

The Tree Widget.pdf

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