홈페이지 : http://www2.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~fuzz/tmci/default.html
TMCI is an extension for Tcl under windows that allows access to the Media Control Interface (MCI) for Windows. The MCI layer is an abstraction over several types of media (sound and video) both for recording and playback.
The current range of MCI drivers allow for handling:
- Control of VDR and VCR recorders.
- Playback and recording of
- Video files for formats such as avi, mpeg and QuickTime.
- Sound files such as wave, mp3 and others.
- Live video capture.
TMCI introduces two new commands: mci and mci_notify. TMCI does not require Tk, but can be configured to display its output in a Tk widget. The library requires the Win32 libraries and should work well with Win32s.
load mci
## variables - set these for your own configuration
set moviefile uxmas97.avi
set alias uxmas
## Set up GUI
foreach w [winfo child .] {destroy $w}
frame .f -bd 2 -relief sunken
label .f.movie -bg darkGreen
pack .f.movie -fill both -expand 1
frame .divider -bd 1 -relief sunken -height 3
frame .buttons
pack .buttons -side bottom -fill x
pack propagate .divider
pack .divider -side bottom -fill x
set b .buttons
button $b.start -text "Start" -command "mci \{play $alias from 0:0:0\}"
button $b.stop -text "Stop" -command "mci \{stop $alias\}"
button $b.console -text "Show Console" -command {console show}
pack $b.start $b.stop $b.console -side left
pack .f -side top -fill both -expand 1
## make sure to update so as to allow for the windows to be created
bind .f.movie {
mci {close all}
puts {video closed}
### mci stuff
## first open the movie
mci "open $moviefile alias $alias"
## now specify the window for rendering
scan [winfo id .f.movie] %x id
mci "window $alias handle $id"
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