랩 기능을 제공하는 레이블 위젯 입니다.
wm withdraw .
update idletasks
set W .label_example2
toplevel $W
wm withdraw $W
update idletasks
wm title $W "Label Wrapping Example"
wm protocol $W WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
tk_focusNext $W
pack propagate $W 0
wm geometry $W 500x300
set image [image create photo]
$image put red -to 0 0 16 16
label $W.label \
-bg white \
-anchor nw \
-highlightthickness 1 \
-justify l \
-padx 10 \
-pady 10 \
-takefocus 1
set text "A label with a long text string to example auto-wrapping"
set text "Label Wrapping
This is a demonstration of the label wrapping feature. To use, you\
should put the following code in your application:
package require label
# Create a new label
label .label -text \"My Label Text\"
bind .label <Configure> \[list label::wrap %W %w\]
You are using Tcl version $::tcl_patchLevel and Tk version\
if { [catch {$W.label configure -compound left} err] } {
append text " This version does not support compound images\
(labels with images and text), so there is no image to the left."
} else {
$W.label configure -image $image
append text " This version supports compound images (labels with\
images and text), so you should see a red square image to the left."
append text "
If you resize this toplevel window, you should see the text in this\
label wrap to fit the width of the window."
$W.label configure -text $text
bind $W.label <Configure> [list label::wrap %W %w]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
button $W.button \
-text Close \
-default active \
-command exit
focus $W.button
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pack $W.button -side bottom -anchor se
pack $W.label -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
wm deiconify $W
raise $W
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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