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category 블로그 (Blog)/개발로그 (Devlogs) 2024. 6. 21. 17:16

tcp 포트를 이용한 다양한 기능을 제공하는 핑 프로그램..




tcping.exe is a console application that operates similarly to 'ping', however it works over a tcp port. There are many different implementions of this floating around, written independently by different people. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

tcping.exe by Eli Fulkerson 
Please see http://www.elifulkerson.com/projects/ for updates. 

Usage: tcping64.exe [-flags] server-address [server-port]

Usage (full): tcping64.exe [-t] [-d] [-i interval] [-n times] [-w ms] [-b n] [-r times] [-s] [-v] [-j] [-js size] [-4] [-6] [-c] [-g count] [-S source_address] [--file] [--tee filename] [-h] [-u] [--post] [--head] [--proxy-port port] [--proxy-server server] [--proxy-credentials username:password] [-f] server-address [server-port]

 -t     : ping continuously until stopped via control-c
 -n 5   : for instance, send 5 pings
 -i 5   : for instance, ping every 5 seconds
 -w 0.5 : for instance, wait 0.5 seconds for a response
 -d     : include date and time on each line
 -b 1   : enable beeps (1 for on-down, 2 for on-up,
                        3 for on-change, 4 for always)
 -r 5   : for instance, relookup the hostname every 5 pings
 -s     : automatically exit on a successful ping
 -v     : print version and exit
 -j     : include jitter, using default rolling average
 -js 5  : include jitter, with a rolling average size of (for instance) 5.
 --tee  : mirror output to a filename specified after '--tee'
 --append : Append to the --tee filename rather than overwriting it
 -4     : prefer ipv4
 -6     : prefer ipv6
 -c     : only show an output line on changed state
 --file : treat the "server-address" as a filename instead, loop through file line by line
          Note: --file is incompatible with options such as -j and -c as it is looping through different targets
          Optionally accepts server-port.  For example, "example.org 443" is valid.
          Alternately, use -p to force a port at command line for everything in the file.
 -g 5   : for instance, give up if we fail 5 times in a row
 -S _X_ : Specify source address _X_.  Source must be a valid IP for the client computer.
 -p _X_ : Alternate method to specify port
 --fqdn : Print domain name on each line if available
 --ansi : Use ANSI color sequences (cygwin)
 --color: Use Windows color sequences

HTTP Options:
 -h     : HTTP mode (use url without http:// for server-address)
 -u     : include target URL on each line
 --post : use POST rather than GET (may avoid caching)
 --head : use HEAD rather than GET
 --proxy-server : specify a proxy server 
 --proxy-port   : specify a proxy port 
 --proxy-credentials : specify 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic' header in format username:password

Debug Options:
 -f     : force tcping to send at least one byte
 --header : include a header with original args and date.  Implied if using --tee.
 --block  : use a 'blocking' socket to connect.  This prevents -w from working and uses the
            default timeout (as long as 20 seconds in my case).  However it can detect an actively
            refused connection vs a timeout.

	If you don't pass server-port, it defaults to 80.



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