홈페이지: https://sourceforge.net/projects/otcl-tclcl/files/OTcl/
MIT Object Tcl의 줄임말인 OTcl은 객체 지향 프로그래밍을 위한 Tcl/Tk의 확장입니다.
OTcl, short for MIT Object Tcl, is an extension to Tcl/Tk for object-oriented programming. TclCL (Tcl with classes) is a Tcl/C++ interface used by Mash, vic, vat, rtp_play, ns, and nam. It provides a layer of C++ glue over OTcl.
package require OTcl
Class testclass
#testclass inst0
#testclass inst1
testclass instproc method0 { } {
puts "Hello~~"
testclass instproc method0 { } {
puts "Hello~~"
testclass instproc init { } {
puts "init !!"
testclass instproc destroy { } {
puts "destroy !!"
#inst0 method0
#inst1 method0
set a [new testclass]
puts "Instance: $a"
delete $a
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