홈페이지 : http://www2.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~fuzz/optcl/default.html
OpTcl은 Open Tcl의 약자로, Tcl/Tk에서 윈도우즈의 OLE 콤포넌트를 사용하기 위한 확장패키지입니다.
OpTcl v3.0 build 10
PRE PRE ALPHA RELEASE (Friends and Family only)
What's New
Areas with Bug Fixes: Reference counting, Query Interfacing, (in/)out parameters; -with optimisation.
New Features: Can now call custom interfaces. Handles COM's record structures. Library browser has search and history facilities. OpTcl works with COM better than ever before! :-)
Ignore any references to LGPL. I hereby renounce this license for one which is in-line with the BSD license. Please read the enclosed license.txt for details.
This is a beta release so the docs aren't there yet ... I've included the old ones just for comparison. A lot of the previous functionality and syntax is identical. A few things however have changed dramatically.
To start things off try the following
package require optcl
tlview::viewlib .l
I welcome any comments, suggestions and bug reports. Enjoy!
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